October 16, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath wedi cael noson galed ar y catnip.

Mae ei llygaid yn dal i fod fel soseri, ac mae hi wedi blino’n rhacs, achos ei bod hi wedi treulio’r nos yn dringo ar y staff wrth iddyn nhw gysgu.

Mae Jeff angen coffi, ond does dim coffi i’w gael.

Digwydd bod, mae Santes Dwynwen wedi creu rysáit cwstard newydd.

Digwydd bod, mae’r cwstard newydd yn frown. Does dim dwywaith amdani, bydd rhaid i Jeff bwyta’r cwstard i gyd.

O na.

Saesneg / English

Needing coffee

Jeff the cat has had a hard night on the catnip.

Her eyes are still like saucers, and she is worn out, because she has spent the night climbing on the staff while they sleep.

Jeff needs coffee, but there is no coffee to be had.

It just so happens that Saint Dwynwen has created a new custard recipe.

It just so happens that the new custard is brown. There’s no two ways about it, Jeff will have to eat all the custard.

Oh no.

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