October 16, 2024

Mae Franz Kafka wedi dod o hyd i selsig Nadolig. Maent yn union fel selsig normal heblaw eu bod nhw’n medru canu carolau.

Dyna broblem i Franz Kafka.

Gan fod y selsig mor swnllyd, mae’n amhosib iddo fe’u cuddio nhw unrhyw le o gwbl.

Ceisiodd ef eu cuddio nhw y tu mewn i’r piano, ond roedd Samuel Beckett eisoes wedi ymguddio yno.

Meddyliodd ef am eu cuddio yn yr affwys o dan sied Dewi Sant, ond roedd gormod o risg.

Yn y pen draw, mae e’n eu claddu mewn bedd fas. Mae’r pridd yn dal i hymian.

Saesneg / English

Christmas sausages

Franz Kafka has come across some Christmas sausages. They are just like normal sausages except that they can sing carols.

That’s a problem for Franz Kafka.

As the sausages are so noisy, it is impossible for him to hide them anywhere at all.

He tried to hide them inside the piano, but Samuel Beckett had already hidden there.

He thought of hiding them in the abyss under St David’s shed, but there was too much risk.

Eventually, he buries them in a shallow grave. The soil is still humming.

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