October 16, 2024

Mae llwyth o gocên yn yr ardd eto.

Mae’r Prifdaten yn siarad yn gyflym iawn. Mae e’n bod yn hunanol ac yn rhyfygus.

Llwch yw ei ddannedd ef erbyn hyn gan ei fod wedi eu malu i ffwrdd, ac mae e’n mynd yn grac yn haws nag arfer. Felly, yn hawdd iawn iawn. Ond mae’r tatws i gyd ar spîd beth bynnag, felly maen nhw eisoes yn baranoiaidd ac yn ofnus.

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael hen ddigon o’r tatws a’u cyffuriau. Maen nhw’n sbwylio popeth.

Mae hi’n torri cocên y Prifdaten gyda phowdr golchi biolegol.

Mae’r Prifdaten yn hwfro lan y powdr gwyn i gyd. Mae e’n teimlo’n sâl. Cyn bo hir mae e’n teimlo ysfa anesboniadwy i olchi trôns Dewi Sant.

Saesneg / English

White nose

There is a load of cocaine in the garden again.

The Prime Potato is speaking very quickly. He is being selfish and arrogant.

His teeth are dust by now as he has ground them away, and he is getting angry more easily than usual. So, very, very easily. All the potatoes are on speed anyway, so they’re paranoid and scared already.

Dave the cat has had enough of the potatoes and their drugs. They spoil everything.

She cuts the Prime Potato’s cocaine with biological washing powder.

The Prime Potato hoovers up all the white powder. He feels sick. Before long he feels an inexplicable urge to wash St David’s underpants.

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