October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi penderfynu mynd i Fethlehem.

Mae hi wedi gweithio allan y bydd y daith yn cymryd sawl diwrnod ar droed.

Mae hi’n gobeithio y bydd Dreamies gyda’r angylion.

Mae hi’n gobeithio y bydd Dreamies gyda’r bugeiliaid.

Mae hi’n gobeithio y bydd Dreamies gyda’r Tri Gŵr Doeth.

Mae hi’n disgwyl y bydd Dreamies anfeidrol gyda’r baban Iesu.

Ond. Mae’r daith yn hir. Llawer o ymdrech byddai’r daith.

Yn lle deithio, mae hi’n dwyn bwyd Jeff.

Saesneg / English

Dave the cat has decided to go to Bethlehem.

She has worked out that the journey will take several days on foot.

She hopes that the angels will have Dreamies.

She hopes that the shepherds will have Dreamies.

She hopes that the Three Wise Men will have Dreamies.

She expects that the baby Jesus will have infinite Dreamies.

But. The journey is long. The journey would be a lot of effort.

Instead of travelling, she steals Jeff’s food.

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