October 16, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn addurno’i pheiriant cwstard. Mae peli gwydr a thinsel drosto fe i gyd. Bydd darnau bach o dinsel yng nghwstard Santes Dwynwen am fisoedd.

Mae Dewi Sant wedi rhoi torch gelyn ar ddrws ei sied am unwaith. Gwnaiff e fwyta sawl deilen ar ôl meddwi nes ymlaen.

Mae’r chwarter-siarc yn jyglo gyda pheli gwydr. Bydd e yn yr ysbyty dyfrol nes ymlaen.

Yn y cyfamser, mae Daf y gath yn ceisio addurno ei chwaer.

– Cadwa’n dawel, meddai Daf, wrth i bêl wydr arall ddisgyn i’r llawr a thorri mewn deilchion.

– SAI ISIE HYN, meddai Jeff yn grac.

Saesneg / English


Santes Dwynwen is decorating her custard machine. There are glass balls and tinsel all over it. There will be small pieces of tinsel in St Dwynwen’s custard for months.

Saint David has put a holly wreath on the door of his shed for once. He will eat several leaves after getting drunk later.

The quarter-shark is juggling baubles. He will be in the aquatic hospital later.

Meanwhile, Dave the cat is trying to decorate her sister.

– Keep still, says Daf, as another bauble falls on the floor and shatters.

– DO NOT WANT, says Jeff angrily.

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