October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath eisiau ymweld â Siôn Corn. Mae hi’n gobeithio y rhydd e lawer o Dreamies iddi.

Y Nadolig diwetha, roedd hi’n gobeithio am yr un peth fwy neu lai. Ond yn lle mynd i Lapdir, aeth hi i Wlad yr Iâ ar gam. Nid yw hi’n un da iawn am ddaearyddiaeth. Na hanes.

Ond eleni, mae Daf wedi blino. Dyw hi ddim am deithio’r tro hwn. Mae hi am i Siôn Corn ddod i’r ardd.

Mae hi’n mynd ati i greu groto o gwmpas sied Dewi Sant. Mae hi’n addurno’r sied gydag eira ffug a llawer o ieir wedi’u rhewi.

– Beth sy’n mynd ymlân fan ‘yn ‘te? meddai Jeff ei chwaer yn amheus.

– Dwi ‘di creu groto Islandaidd fel y bydd Siôn Corn yn ymweld â ni.

– Pam mae cymaint o ieir wedi’u rhewi?

– Mae Siôn Corn yn dod o Wlad yr Iâr, yntefe?

– Y dwpsen, meddai Jeff, a bant a hi.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat wants to visit Santa Claus. She hopes he will give her lots of Dreamies.

Last Christmas, she was hoping for more or less the same thing. But instead of going to Lapland, she went to Iceland by mistake. She is not very good at geography. Nor history.

But this year, Dave is tired. She doesn’t want to travel this time. She wants Santa Claus to come to the garden.

She sets about creating a grotto around Saint David’s shed. She decorates the shed with fake snow and lots of frozen chickens.

– What’s going on here? says Jeff her sister suspiciously.

– I’ve created an Icelandic grotto so that Santa Claus will visit us.

– Why are there so many frozen chickens?

– Santa comes from Chickenland, doesn’t he?

– You idiot, says Jeff, and off she goes.

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