417: Dirgelwch y bananas

Mae Dafydd Iwan yn hoffi bwyta bananas, yn enwedig bananas du. Weithiau, mae Dafydd Iwan yn rhedeg mas o fananas.

Mae e’n bwyta llawer o fananas. Gormod o fananas, a dweud y gwir.

Pryd mae Dafydd Iwan yn dod adre o Gwpan y Byd? Mae e’n hedfan adre o Gwpan y Byd nos Wener. Mae e eisiau bwyta banana.

A dweud y gwir, mae e angen bwyta banana. Ond mae e wedi rhedeg mas o fananas eto.

Mae e’n mynd i’r siop. Ond mae’r siop wedi rhedeg mas o fananas hefyd.

Mae Bryn Terfel yn dod i’r siop yn aml.

Mae Bryn Terfel wedi prynu’r banana olaf.

Saesneg / English

417: The Mystery of the bananas

Dafydd Iwan likes to eat bananas, especially black bananas. Sometimes, Dafydd Iwan runs out of bananas.

He eats a lot of bananas. Too many bananas, really.

When is Dafydd Iwan coming home from the World Cup? He is flying home from the World Cup on Friday night. He wants to eat a banana.

In fact, he needs to eat a banana. But he has run out of bananas again.

He goes to the shop. But the shop has also run out of bananas.

Bryn Terfel comes to the shop often.

Bryn Terfel has bought the last banana.

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