October 16, 2024

Mae coeden newydd wedi ymddangos yn yr ardd.

Mae’r goeden yn fath o secwoia. Enfawr yw hi. Mae popeth dan ei chysgod.

– O ble mae hwnna wedi dod? gofyn Daf y gath i Dewi Sant.

– Mae’r Arglwydd yn symud mewn ffyrdd dirgel, meddai Dewi Sant.

– Falle caiff e symud hwnna ‘te, meddai Daf.

Saesneg / English


A new tree has appeared in the garden.

The tree is a type of sequoia. It is huge. Everything is in its shadow.

– Where did that come from? asks Dave the cat to Saint David.

– The Lord moves in mysterious ways, says Saint David.

– Perhaps he can move that, then, says Dave.

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