October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn ceisio adeiladu peiriant cwstard i Frenin y bananas.

Blwch carbord yw e.

Ond mae rhywbeth ar goll. Mae angen cydran ychwanegol.

Ah, dyma ni. Mae Daf y gath yn dod o hyd i ben blaen ffelt a thynnu llun o beips ar y peiriant.

– Bydd eich holl broblemau wedi’u datrys, meddai Daf.

– Blwch cardbord yw e, meddai Brenin y bananas.

Saesneg / English

Bananaland, part 3

Dave the cat is trying to build a custard machine for the Banana King.

It is a cardboard box.

But something is missing. An additional component is required.

Ah, here we are. Dave the cat finds a felt tip pen and draws a picture of pipes on the machine.

– All your problems will be solved, says Dave.

– It’s a cardboard box, says the Banana King.

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