October 17, 2024

Mae Crispin wedi cyrraedd yr ardd.

Ci newydd yw Crispin. Milgi yw e. Digwydd bod, mae e’n hoff iawn o ymlid pethau, yn gynnwys cathod. Ond am nawr, mae e wrthi’n hela’r afancod allan o’r ardd.

Cyn bo hir, mae tawelwch unwaith eto. Adfail yw sied Dewi Sant, ond mae pawb yn hapus.

Mae Daf y gath yn dychwelyd, gyda’r afanc oedd hi wedi gwerthu i ficer neis ar-lein.

– Be ddigwyddodd i’r ficer? gofyn Jeff.

– Doedd e ddim gartre, meddai Daf.

Saesneg / English

Beavers, part 6

Crispin has arrived in the garden.

Crispin is a new dog. He is a greyhound. It just so happens that he really likes chasing things, including cats. But for now, he is chasing the beavers out of the garden.

Soon, there is quiet once more. Saint David’s shed is a ruin, but everyone is happy.

Dave the cat returns, with the beaver she had sold to a nice vicar online.

– What happened to the vicar? asks Jeff.

– He wasn’t at home, says Dave.

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