October 17, 2024

Mae hi wedi nosi.

Ar ôl i fan Daf dorri i lawr, mae hi’n cael ei synnu gan ba mor ufudd yw’r afanc. Mae’r afanc yn cadw ar ei sawdl heb achosi unrhyw drafferth, ac maen nhw’n mynd ymlaen mor ddiogel â phosib.

Ond mae Lloegr yn lle ofnadwy o beryglus. Mae anghenfilod ar y ffordd, ysbrydion yn y llwyni, a gwrachod yn y coed. (Mewn gwirionedd mae Daf ychydig yn nerfus, dyna i gyd.)

Maen nhw’n parhau i gerdded yn y tywyllwch, ac anelu am gyfeiriad y ficer sydd wedi prynu’r afanc.

Mae Daf yn ceisio cadw ei meddwl oddi ar y cysgodion dychrynllyd wrth ymyl y ffordd pan mae hi’n clywed bang. Mae gwreichion yn hedfan. Mae’r afanc wedi cnoi trwy beilon, sydd yn dymchwel.

Mae’r wlad yn hollol ddu.

– Beth y’n ni i fod i wneud nawr? meddai Daf.

Ond mae tortsh poced gan yr afanc, mae’n debyg. Maen nhw’n peidio â chynhyrfu a chario ymlaen.

Saesneg / English

Beavers, part 4

Night has fallen.

After Dave’s van breaks down, she is surprised by how obedient the beaver is. The beaver keeps to heel without causing any trouble, and they proceed as safely as possible.

But England is a terribly dangerous place. There are monsters on the road, ghosts in the bushes, and witches in the woods. (Actually Dave is just a bit nervous.)

They continue to walk in the dark, and head for the address of the vicar who has bought the beaver.

Dave is trying to keep her mind off the terrifying shadows by the side of the road when she hears a bang. Sparks fly. The beaver has chewed through a pylon, which collapses.

The land is completely black.

– What are we supposed to do now? says Dave.

But apparently the beaver has a pocket torch. They keep calm and carry on.

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