October 17, 2024

Mae Sant Padrig wedi bod yn garedig iawn. Mae e wedi postio paced o falltod, gyda chyfarwyddiadau, at Dewi Sant er mwyn cael gwared ar y tatws, yn enwedig y cyn-Brifdaten.

Mae Dewi Sant yn gwasgaru’r malltod dros wely’r tatws ac aros.

Cyn bo hir, mae tawelwch.

Cyn bo hir, does dim anrhefn bellach.

Cyn bo hir, mae popeth yn lliwgar ac yn hapus heb y tatws uffernol.

Does dim ots tasai’r staff yn ceisio plannu mwy o datws. Bydd y malltod yn dal i weithio. Mae oes y tatws wedi dod i ben.

– Helo, meddai meipen ddiflas.

Mae e’n ystumio tuag at fyddin o faip eraill.

– Byddwn ni’n cymryd drosodd am sbel.

Saesneg / English

Reappearance, part 4

Saint Patrick has been very kind. He has posted a packet of blight, with instructions, to Saint David in order to get rid of the potatoes, especially the former Prime Potato.

Dewi Sant spreads the blight over the potato bed and waits.

Soon, there is silence.

Soon, there is no more chaos.

Soon, everything is colorful and happy without the infernal potatoes.

It doesn’t matter if the staff try to plant more potatoes. The blight will still work. The age of the potato is over.

– Hello, says a boring turnip.

He gestures towards an army of other turnips.

– We will be taking over for a while.

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