October 17, 2024

Mae’r Prifdaten wedi gwneud tro pedol arall.

Y tro hwn, mae hi’n ceisio diswyddo Dewi Sant am fod wedi meddwi, er gwaethaf iddi ddweud yn gyhoeddus ei bod hi’n hollol gefnogol i’w feddwdod.

– Nid ti yw fy nghyflogwr, y dwpsen, meddai Dewi Sant, wrth i’r Prifdaten drosglwyddo llythyr ymddiswyddiad iddo fe lofnodi.

Does neb erioed wedi gweld taten mor analluog.

Mae’r Prifdaten yn mynd i ffwrdd. Mae hi’n bwriadu diswyddo’r cymylau am fod yn ddi-fudd.

Saesneg / English

Another u-turn

The Prime Potato has made another U-turn.

This time, she is trying to sack Saint David for being drunk, despite her saying publicly that she is completely supportive of his drunkenness.

– You are not my employer, you idiot, says Saint David, as the Prime Potato hands over a letter of resignation for him to sign.

No one has ever seen such an incompetent potato. The Prime Potato goes away. She intends to sack the clouds for being unprofitable.

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