October 17, 2024

Mae’r Prifdaten wedi rhoi’r gorau ar fecso am yr economi. Pwy welai bai arni? Mae hi’n syllu ar y nefoedd a dweud dim byd. Llo cors yw hi.

Erbyn hyn, mae ei ffrindiau i gyd yn gyfoethog iawn. Am syndod!

Mae Daf y gath wedi rhoi’r gorau ar gael profiad seicedelig. Does dim arian ar ôl iddi brynu cyffuriau. Mae hi’n teimlo’n ofnadwy o rwystredig. Pwy welai bai arni?

Mae’r Archfadarch yn dechrau gwneud swyn. Yn gyntaf, mae e’n hypnoteiddio pawb yn yr ardd gyda’i lais diflas. Wedyn, mae e’n troi’r Prifdaten mewn sglodion gan chwifio’i freichiau o gwmpas.

– Dyna ni, meddai’r Archfadarch. – Bydd popeth yn iawn bellach.

English / Saesneg

Economics, part 4

The Prime Potato has given up on worrying about the economy. Who could blame her? She stares at the heavens and says nothing. She is gormless.

By now, all her friends are rich. What a surprise!

Dave the cat has given up on having a psychedelic experience. There is no money left to buy drugs. She feels terribly frustrated. Who could blame her?

The Arch-mushroom begins to make a spell. First, he hypnotizes everyone in the garden with his dull voice. Then, he turns the Prime Potato into chips by waving his arms around.

– There we go, says the Arch-mushroom. – Everything will be fine now.

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