October 17, 2024

Dyw’r prifdaten ddim yn cuddio bellach.

Ond mae hi’n gwneud y nesaf peth i ddim.

Mae hi’r gwrthod gwrth-droi ei phenderfyniadau. Mae hi’n benderfynol taw tancio’r economi yw’r peth iawn i’w wneud.

Erbyn hyn, mae Dewi Sant yn methu fforddio’r morgais ar ei sied. Mae e’n gwerthu’r sied i landlord Air B&B a mynd i fyw mewn pabell ar waelod yr ardd. Ond ni ddaw twristiaid, achos eu bod nhw i gyd yn byw mewn pebyll bellach.

Does dim gobaith. Does dim arian. Ond mae madarch. Ac mae cynllun hudolus gyda’r Archfadarch.

– Bydd angen profiad seicedelig arnon ni i gyd cyn bo hir, meddylia Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English

Economics, part three

The Prime Potato is no longer hiding.

But she does next to nothing.

She refuses to reverse her decisions. She is determined that tanking the economy is the right thing to do.

By now, Dewi Sant is unable to afford the mortgage on his shed. He sells the shed to an Air B&B landlord and goes to live in a tent at the bottom of the garden. But tourists don’t come, because they all live in tents now.

There is no hope. There is no money. But there are mushrooms. And the Arch-mushroom has a magical plan.

– We will all need a psychedelic experience before long, thinks Dave the cat.

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