October 17, 2024

Mae gan bawb yn yr ardd broblem fawr. Mae’r Prifdaten wedi tancio’r economi.

Erbyn hyn mae bwyd cathod yn costio pum cant o bunnoedd y bocs.

Mae powdr cwstard yn costio mil o bunnoedd y twb.

– Mae rhaid i ni ei rhwystro rhag gwneud rhagor o niwed, meddai Jeff y gath i’w chwaer Daf.

– Dw i’n oer. Dw i’n llwgu. Does dim egni ‘da fi. Dw i ddim yn gallu gwrthryfela, meddai Daf.

– Dyna ei chynllun, meddai Jeff. – Dw i’n mynd i’w bwydo hi ar olion cwstard Santes Dwynwen wrth iddi gysgu. Gawn ni weld be ddigwyddith.

Saesneg / English


Everyone in the garden has a big problem. The Prime Potato has tanked the economy.

Cat food now costs five hundred pounds a box.

Custard powder costs a thousand pounds a tub.

– We have to stop her from doing any further damage, says Jeff the cat to her sister Dave.

– I’m cold. I’m starving. I have no energy. I can’t rebel, says Dave.

– That’s her plan, says Jeff. – I’m going to feed her on the remains of Saint Dwynwen’s custard while she sleeps. Let’s see what will happen.

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