October 17, 2024

Mae tywysog wedi troi lan mas o nunlle. Mae ei goron yn edrych yn weddol newydd ac mae e’n gwisgo dillad porffor.

Nid yw e’n gwneud dim byd, achos ei fod e’n disgwyl i bawb arall wneud pob dim ar ei ran ef. Dim ond sefyll a chwyno y mae e, fel Dewi Sant heb gwrw.

– Cer, meddai Jeff y gath, sydd wedi cael llond bol o gwyno. – Nid oes angen tywysog ar yr ardd.

– Ŵŵŵ, sai’mod am ‘ny, meddai Daf ei chwaer, – ma’ fe’n eitha addurnol. Beth am i ni stwffio hosan yn ei geg a’ii roi e draw fan ‘na wrth wely’r rhosod?

– Ond byddai rhaid i ni ‘i fwydo e hefyd, a byddai fe’n disgwyl pethau posh fel wystrys. Na allwn, allwn ni ddim ei gadw e. Nid oes angen tywysog arnon ni.

Saesneg / English


A prince has turned up out of nowhere. His crown looks fairly new, and he is wearing purple clothes.

He doesn’t do anything, because he expects everyone else to do everything on his behalf. He just stands and complains, like Saint David without beer.

– Go away, says Jeff the cat, who has had enough of complaining. – The garden does not need a prince.

– Ooooh, dunno about that, says Dave her sister, – he’s quite decorative. How about we stuff a sock in his mouth and put him over there by the rose bed?

– But we would have to feed him too, and he would expect posh things like oysters. No, we can’t keep him. We don’t need a prince.

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