October 17, 2024

Mae’r hydref wedi cyrraedd, ac mae’r mudiad wedi dechrau.

Mae’r adar yn paratoi at fynd i Affrica, De America a Brighton.

Ac mae’r cathod wedi dychwelyd i dŷ’r staff. Mae Jeff yn cysgu yn ei thŵr, ar ben yr hwn mae Mistar Afal Hapus eisoes yn gorwedd.

Mae Daf y gath yn cysgu ar ei blanced. Blanci yw hoff beth Daf dros y misoedd oer.

Mae sŵn o’r tu fewn i’r piano.

Dyma Samuel Beckett a Franz Kafka, sydd ill dau yn cuddio rhag yr oerni ymhlith y tannau a’r selsig.

Saesneg / English


Autumn has arrived, and the migration has begun.

The birds are preparing to go to Africa, South America and Brighton.

And the cats have returned to the staff’s house. Jeff is sleeping in her tower, on top of which Mistar Afal Hapus is already lying.

Dave the cat is sleeping on her blanket. Blankie is Dave’s favourite thing during the cold months.

There is a noise from inside the piano.

This is Samuel Beckett and Franz Kafka, who are both hiding from the cold among the strings and sausages.

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