October 17, 2024

Mae Beryl, chwaer Santes Dwynwen, wedi ysgrifennu llythyr at Santes Dwynwen i ddweud bod hi’n dod i ymweld â hi.

Dyw Santes Dwynwen ddim yn hoffi ei chwaer o gwbl achos bod Beryl yn ystrywgar. Mae ei phlant yn debyg. Mae Beryl wedi eu dysgu nhw’n dda.

Mae Santes Dwynwen a Jeff y gath wedi bod yn cynllunio ar gyfer yr achlysur. Maen nhw wedi gosod weiren bigog ar ben y glwyd, a thanc ar y lawnt.

– Ni fydd hi’n pasio, meddai Santes Dwynwen.

Saesneg / English


Beryl, Saint Dwynwen’s sister, has written a letter to Saint Dwynwen to say that she is coming to visit her.

Saint Dwynwen does not like her sister at all because Beryl is manipulative. Her children are similar. Beryl has taught them well.

Santes Dwynwen and Jeff the cat have been planning for the occasion. They have placed barbed wire on top of the gate, and a tank on the lawn.

– She shall not pass, says Santes Dwynwen.

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