October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi rhedeg mas o fara.

– Heb fy mara, meddai hi wrth Daf y gath, – alla i ddim gwneud brechdanau cwstard.

– Diolch byth, meddai Daf.

Mae Dewi Sant wedi rhedeg mas o fara hefyd. Fydd ddim brechdan caws iddo fe heddiw. Mae e’n cwyno wrth ysmygu ffag fel arfer.

– Wnei di fynd i’r archfarchnad, Daf? gofynna Dewi Sant wrth Daf.

– Na wnaf, meddai Daf. – Cawson ni stori am ryw siop neu’i gilydd yn ddiweddar.

Mae torth o fara hudolus yn ymddangos a hofran yn yr awyr.

– Torth yr Arglwydd dw i, meddai’r dorth yn uchel.

– Ti ddim, meddai Daf. – Ti’n dorth ddrwg iawn.

Saesneg / English

No bread

Santes Dwynwen has run out of bread.

– Without my bread, she says to Dave the cat, – I can’t make custard sandwiches.

– Thank goodness, said Dave.

Saint David has run out of bread too. There will be no cheese sandwich for him today. He is complaining while smoking a fag as usual.

– Will you go to the supermarket, Dave? Saint David asks Dave.

– I won’t, says Dave. – We had a story about some shop or other recently.

A magical loaf of bread appears and hovers in the air.

– I am the loaf of the Lord, says the bread loudly.

– You’re not, says Dave. – You are a very naughty loaf.

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