October 17, 2024

Mae’r Prifdaten newydd yn gweiddi ar bawb a phopeth. Mae e eisiau profi ei fod e’n bwysig.

Erbyn hyn, mae’r syched wedi parhau am flynyddoedd. Neu dyna sut mae’n teimlo.

– Diolch byth, meddai Daf y gath, yn edrych ar rhywbeth yn y nefoedd. – Dyna gwmwl. Bydd ‘na law o’r diwedd.

Mae’r Prifdaten yn dechrau gweiddi ar y cwmwl. Nid yw’r cwmwl yn ymateb ar unwaith. Yna, mae’r cwmwl yn disgyn i’r ardd, casglu’r Prifdaten a diflannu.

– Wel, roedd hynny’n annisgwyl, meddai Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English


The new Prime Potato is shouting at everyone and everything. He wants to prove that he is important.

By now, the drought has continued for years. Or that’s how it feels.

– Thank goodness, said Dave the cat, looking at something in the heavens. – That’s a cloud. There will finally be rain.

The Potato begins to shout at the cloud. The cloud does not respond immediately. Then, the cloud comes down to the garden, collects the Prime Potato and disappears.

– Well, that was unexpected, says Dave the cat.

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