October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael hen ddigon o Samuel Beckett. Mae Samuel Beckett newydd orffen darllen darn diflas am jyglo yn uchel.

Mae Daf yn cael syniad.

– Bore da, Samuel Beckett, meddai Daf.

– Bore da, Daf, meddai Samuel Beckett.

– Hoffet ti fynd yn ôl i’r gwesty cathod?

– Hoffwn. Plis.

Mae Samuel Beckett yn cropian i’r blwch cario, ac mae Dewi Sant yn helpu Daf wrth gario’r blwch. Ond nid ydyn nhw’n mynd i’r gwesty cathod.

Mae Daf wedi gwerthu Samuel Beckett ar eBay yn barod. Mae e wedi cael ei brynu gan hen fenyw garedig yn y dref. Dyma gyfle Daf i gael gwared ar yr awdur trafferthus ac ennill bach o arian.

Saesneg / English

Goodbye Samuel Beckett

Dave the cat has had quite enough of Samuel Beckett. Samuel Beckett has just finished reading a boring piece about juggling out loud.

Dave has an idea.

– Good morning, Samuel Beckett, says Dave.

– Good morning, Dave, says Samuel Beckett.

– Would you like to go back to the cat hotel?

– I would like to. Please.

Samuel Beckett crawls into the carry box, and Saint David helps Dave by carrying the box. But they are not going to the cat hotel.

Dave has already sold Samuel Beckett on eBay. He has been bought by a kind old woman in the town. This is Dave’s chance to get rid of the troublesome writer and earn a little money.

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