October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn yr ardd, yn llyfu ei thraed.

Dw i’n hoffi’r ardd ‘ma, meddylia Daf.

– Dw i’n hoffi’r ardd hon hefyd, meddai Jeff ei chwaer, wedi darllen meddyliau Daf.

– Wyt ti’n hoffi’r sied ‘na? gofynna Daf.

– Nadw, dw i’n casáu’r sied honna.

– Beth am y powlenni o gwstard ‘na?

– Nadw, dw i’n casáu’r rheiny hefyd. Ond dw i’n hoffi’r rhain, meddai Jeff, yn pwyntio at selsig Franz Kafka.

– Beth am yr ymarfer hwn?

– Yr ymarfer ‘ma? Mae’n ddiflas. Stopia, neno Tad.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is in the garden, licking her feet.

I like this garden, Dave thinks.

– I like this garden too, says Jeff her sister, having read Daf’s thoughts.

– Do you like that shed? Dave asks.

– No, I hate that shed.

– What about those bowls of custard?

– No, I hate those too. But I like these, said Jeff, pointing at Franz Kafka’s sausages.

– What about this exercise?

– This exercise? It’s boring. Stop, for God’s sake.

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