October 17, 2024

Mae’r hanner-siarc yn jyglo wrth i Samuel Beckett ddod heibio.

– Ga i’ch gwylio chi, plis? gofynna Samuel Beckett i’r hanner-siarc.

– Cewch, wrth gwrs, meddai’r hanner-siarc yn barchus.

Mae Samuel Beckett yn dechrau cymryd nodiadau mewn llyfr du bach, a thynnu lluniau â phensil sy’ wedi cael ei gnoi’n dda.

– ‘Dych chi eisiau cael go? meddai’r hanner-siarc.

– Nac oes, diolch i chi, meddai Samuel Beckett. – Ond gwna i sgwennu rhywbeth diflas amdani.

Saesneg / English

Existential Juggling

The half-shark is juggling as Samuel Beckett comes by.

– Can I watch you, please? Samuel Beckett asks the half-shark.

– You can, of course, said the half-shark respectfully.

Samuel Beckett begins to take notes in a little black book, and draw pictures with a well-chewed pencil.

– Do you want to have a go? said the half-shark.

– No, thank you, said Samuel Beckett. – But I will write something miserable about it.

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