October 17, 2024

Mae Samuel Beckett yn mwynhau bod yn y gwesty cathod achos ei fod e’n hoffi llefydd tynn.

Hefyd, mae’n debyg ei fod e’n hoff iawn o drîts cathod. Mae perchennog y gwesty cathod yn rhoi Dreamies iddo fe bob yn ail awr. Mae Samuel Beckett yn eu bwyta nhw’n farus.

Mae Samuel Beckett yn hapus iawn iawn.

Mae e’n dechrau ysgrifennu drama ddiflas am fwyd cathod.

Saesneg / English


Samuel Beckett enjoys being in the cat hotel because he likes tight spaces.

Apparently he also really likes cat treats. The owner of the cat hotel gives him Dreamies every other hour. Samuel Beckett eats them greedily.

Samuel Beckett is very very happy.

He starts writing a boring play about cat food.

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