October 17, 2024

Mae pawb wedi cael hen ddigon o Samuel Beckett a’i driciau. Mae e wedi bod yn pasio’r amser wrth weiddi ar fanana.

Wrth iddo fe symud ymlaen i haslo’r tatws, mae Jeff y gath yn paratoi ei ymgyrch. Mae hi’n mynd i ddelio â Samuel Beckett yn yr un ffordd ag y deliodd hi â T. H. Parry-Williams yn y gorffennol.

Mae ganddi hi fwced, a ffon hir.

– Wyt ti’n mynd i hela moch eto? gofynna Daf y gath.

– Nadw, ateba Jeff. – Dw i’n mynd i hela awdur.

– Wnei di goginio fe? meddai Daf, yn obeithiol.

– Gawn ni weld, meddai Jeff.

Saesneg / English

Quite enough

Everyone has had quite enough of Samuel Beckett and his tricks. He has been passing the time by shouting at a banana.

As he moves on to hassle the potatoes, Jeff the cat prepares her campaign. She is going to deal with Samuel Beckett in the same way that she dealt with T. H. Parry-Williams in the past.

She has a bucket, and a long stick.

– Are you going to hunt pigs again? asks Dave the cat.

– No, answers Jeff. – I’m going to hunt an author.

– Will you cook him? says Dave, hopefully.

– We shall see, says Jeff.

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