October 17, 2024

Mae rhywbeth annisgwyl wedi digwydd.

Mae selsig Franz Kafka (heblaw’r un a arteithiwyd gan Samuel Beckett) wedi dianc rhag eu paced nhw a ffurfio byddin.

Am olygfa!

Mae Samuel Beckett yn rhy brysur ypsetio’r Frenhines Branwen i sylwi bod byddin y selsig wedi’i amgylchu.

Maen nhw’n clymu Samuel Beckett wrth gadair. Mae e’n cael ei fygydu e, ac yna maen nhw’n ei adael ef i feddwl am beth mae e wedi gwneud.

– Hoffet ti fisged? meddai Daf y gath wrtho fe.

– Hoffwn. Plis, meddai Samuel Beckett.

– Does dim bisgedi ar ôl, meddai Daf.

– Dim byd i’w wneud, meddai Samuel Beckett.

Saesneg / English

The sausage army

Something unexpected has happened.

Franz Kafka’s sausages (apart from the one tortured by Samuel Beckett) have escaped from their pack and formed an army.

What a sight!

Samuel Beckett is too busy upsetting Queen Branwen to notice that the sausage army has surrounded him.

They tie Samuel Beckett to a chair. He is blindfolded, and then they leave him to think about what he has done.

– Would you like a biscuit? says Dave the cat to him.

– Yes. Please, says Samuel Beckett.

– There are no more biscuits, says Dave.

– Nothing to be done, says Samuel Beckett.

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