October 17, 2024

Un tro, roedd pawb a phopeth yn yr ardd yn toddi. Roedd hi’n anghyffyrddus iawn, heb sôn am y lleithder.

Roedd Daf y gath yn cael profiad seicedelig wrth iddi chwarae gyda madarchen. Roedd pawb arall ar fin pasio mas.

Yna, dechreuodd sied Dewi Sant doddi i ffwrdd.

– O na, meddai Jeff y gath, – Rhaid i ni neud rhywbeth.

Gwasgodd Santes Dwynwen botwm ar ei pheiriant cwstard. Roedd sŵn mawr wrth i’r peiriant gorchuddio popeth yn yr ardd â chwstard oer, trwchus.

– Dyna beth fydd angen yn y dyfodol, meddai Daf. – Os na allwn ni achub y blaned, bydd angen i bopeth gael ei orchuddio â chwstard.

– Fel cacen neis, ychwanegodd Jeff.

– Yn union fel cacen neis, meddai Daf.

Saesneg / English


One day, everyone and everything in the garden was melting. It was very uncomfortable, not to mention the dampness.

Dave the cat was having a psychedelic experience as she played with a mushroom. Everyone else was on the verge of passing out.

Then, St David’s shed started to melt away.

– Oh no, said Jeff the cat, – We must do something.

Saint Dwynwen pressed a button on her custard machine. There was a great noise as the machine covered everything in the garden with cold, thick custard.

– That is what will be needed in the future, said Dave. – If we can’t save the planet, everything will need to be covered in custard.

– Like a nice cake, added Jeff.

– Just like a nice cake, said Dave.

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