October 17, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath angen brechlyn. Mae hi’n cael brechlyn bob blwyddyn. Un blynyddol yw’r brechlyn.

Mae’r staff yn annog Jeff i fynd i’r blwch cario efo cwpl o Dreamies.

Mae Jeff yn canu’n uchel yn y car.

Pan maen nhw’n cyrraedd y milfeddygfa, dyw hi ddim eisiau gadael y blwch cario o gwbl, achos ei bod hi’n gwybod beth fydd yn dod nesaf.

Er mwyn gwirio ei bod hi’n ddigon iach i dderbyn y brechlyn, mae’r milfeddyg yn rhoi thermomedr lan ei thîn. Am amarch.

Dyw’r thermomedr cyntaf ddim yn gweithio. Felly, ail thermomedr amdani. Am amarch eto.

Mae Jeff yn ceisio cuddio rhag y milfeddyg ym mreichiau’r staff. Druan arni hi.

Mae popeth drosodd mor gyflym. Does dim llawer o ganu ar y ffordd yn ôl.

– Dy dro di sy’ nesa, Daf, meddylia Jeff.

Saesneg / English

Vaccine time

Jeff the cat needs a vaccine. She gets a vaccine every year. The vaccine is an annual one.

The staff encourage Jeff to go in the carrying box with a couple of Dreamies.

Jeff sings loudly in the car.

When they get to the surgery, she doesn’t want to leave the carry box at all, because she knows what will be coming next.

In order to check that she is healthy enough to receive the vaccine, the vet puts a thermometer up her backside. What indignity.

The first thermometer doesn’t work. So, off we go with a second thermometer. What indignity again.

Jeff tries to hide from the vet in the staff’s arms. Poor her.

Everything is over so quickly. There is not much singing on the way back.

– It’s your turn next, Dave, Jeff thinks.

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