October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn ddryslyd.

Mae e wedi cwympo mewn cariad â’r santes newydd, sef Santes Adwen.

Ond mae ‘na rywbeth cyfarwydd amdani. Yn enwedig ei harogl hi.

Mae Daf y gath wedi adnabod yr arogl yn syth. Arogl yr Esgob yw e. Neu, i fod yn fwy penodol, arogl coludd yr Esgob.

O na! Mae’r Esgob mewn drag ac mae Dewi Sant wedi cwympo mewn cariad ag e. Beth mae Daf yn mynd i wneud?

Chwerthin. Dyna beth mae Daf yn mynd i wneud.

Saesneg / English

Faith, Hope and Charity

St David is confused.

He has fallen in love with the new saint, Saint Adwen.

But there is something familiar about her. Especially her scent.

Dave the cat has recognised the smell straight away. It is the scent of the Bishop. Or, to be more specific, the smell of the Bishop’s intestines.

Oh no! The Bishop is in drag and Saint David has fallen in love with him. What is Dave going to do?

Laugh. That’s what Dave is going to do.

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