October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael damwain. Damwain drewllyd.

Dyna beth mae pawb yn meddwl, yn gynnwys Daf ei hunan. Mae pawb yn ei beio hi’n syth bin. Ni chaniateir i Daf fynd i mewn i sied Dewi Sant bellach.

Ond, mewn gwirionedd, Jeff sydd ar fai. Roedd Jeff off ei phen hi ar y catnip, a cholli rheolaeth.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat has had an accident. A stinky accident.

That’s what everyone thinks, including Dave herself. Everyone immediately blames her. Dave is no longer allowed to enter St David’s shed.

But, really, it’s Jeff’s fault. Jeff was off her head on the catnip, and lost control.

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