October 17, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath yn mynd â Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy i ymweld â’r llywodraeth. Mae hi’n mynd i achub y dydd rhag ffasgaeth. Mae presenoldeb Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy’n gwbl di-bwrpas.

Mae’r llywodraeth ffasgaidd yn cael ei redeg gan fin sbwriel a Gwrach Anfad y Gorllewin, sydd yn gyfrifol am yr heddlu.

– Os na wnewch chi ryddhau fy ffrindiau’n syth, yna wna i ddechrau rhechu. A does neb eisiau hynny, meddai Jeff.

Mae’r bin wrthi’n tadogi plant mewn cornel, wrth i’r wrach wneud saliwt ffasgaidd. Dydyn nhw ddim yn ymateb.

– Rhechu amdani, ‘te, meddai Jeff, a rhyddhau rhech cig arswydus.

Mae’r awyr yn mynd yn wyrdd. Mae pawb yn rhedeg bant. Heblaw am y madarch, sydd eisoes wedi cael eu dinistrio, mae’r ffrindiau’n rhydd.

– Pe bai ond mor hawdd â hynny mewn gwirionedd, meddylia Jeff.

Saesneg / English


Jeff the cat takes Mr. Groovy Fish to visit the government. She is going to save the day from fascism. Mr. Groovy Fish’s presence is completely pointless.

The fascist government is run by a rubbish bin and the Wicked Witch of the West, who is in charge of the police.

– If you don’t release my friends immediately, then I will start farting. And nobody wants that, says Jeff.

The bin is busy fathering children in a corner, while the witch makes a fascist salute. They don’t respond.

– Farting it is, then, says Jeff, releasing a horrific meat fart.

The air turns green. Everyone runs away. Apart from the mushrooms, which have already been destroyed, the friends are free.

– If only it were really that easy, Jeff thinks.

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