October 17, 2024

Mae’r llywodraeth ffasgaidd wedi pasio deddf newydd. Mae’n anghyfreithlon jyglo bellach.

Mae’r hanner-siarc wedi stopio jyglo mewn ufudd-dod. Ond mae e mor drist.

Heb feddwl amdani, mae e’n taflu taten i’r awyr.

Ac yna taten arall.

Ac yna yn arall.

Mae’r heddlu’n cyrraedd, ei arestio e, a mynd ag e’n syth i’r carchar.

– Yna, daethant i nôl y jyglwyr, ond doeddwn yn jyglwr, felly wnes i ddim byd, meddai Daf y gath.

– Bydd neb ar ôl cyn bo hir, ateba Jeff.

Saesneg / English

Illegal Juggling

The fascist government has passed a new law. It is now illegal to juggle.

The half-shark has stopped juggling in obedience. But he is so sad.

Without thinking about it, he throws a potato into the air.

And then another potato.

And then another.

The police arrive, arrest him, and take him straight to prison.

– Then, they came for the jugglers, but I wasn’t a juggler, so I did nothing, says Dave the cat.

– There will be no one left before long, answers Jeff.

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