October 17, 2024

Mae’r llywodraeth wedi cyhoeddi cyfraith newydd ynghylch yfed. Nid yw e’n gyfreithlon i yfed alcohol bellach.

Does dim ots gyda Dewi Sant. Heddiw, mae e’n codi, tanio ffag ac agor potel o gwrw, fel arfer.

Yn syth bin, mae’r heddlu yn cyrraedd a’i arestio. Maen nhw’n ei wthio fe i mewn i’w fan, a’i yrru fe i ffwrdd i’r carchar.

Mae’r cathod wedi bod yn gwylio.

– Yna, daethant i nôl yr yfwyr, ond doeddwn yn yfwr, felly wnes i ddim byd, meddai Daf.

Saesneg / English

New Law

The government has announced a new law on drinking. It is no longer legal to drink alcohol.

St David doesn’t care. Today, he gets up, lights a fag and opens a bottle of beer, as usual.

Immediately, the police arrive and arrest him. They push him into their van, and drive him away to prison.

The cats have been watching.

– Then they came for the drinkers, but I wasn’t a drinker, so I did nothing, says Dave.

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