October 17, 2024

Mae’r Archfadarch wedi bod yn brysur. Mae e wedi casglu sawl crisial, amrywiaeth o berlysiau, a channwyll.

Mae e ar fin perfformio defod hudol pan mae Daf y gath yn ymddangos.

– Beth wyt ti’n wneud? meddai Daf.

– Galw ysbrydion, meddai’r Archfadarch.

– Ysbrydion pwy? gofynna Daf.

– Dafydd Iwan a Max Boyce.

– Ond dyn nhw ddim wedi marw eto.

Ond mae syniad creadigol iawn gyda’r Archfadarch.

– Dw i eisiau eu cosbi nhw, achos fy mod i’n casáu eu caneuon, felly dw i am wneud i’w hysbrydion wneud gwaith uffernol, meddai’r Archfadarch gyda chwerthiniad. – Yn y cyfamser bydd eu cyrff, wel, ychydig yn wag.

– Gwaith uffernol fel beth?

– Adeiladu fan newydd i ti.

– O da iawn, meddai Daf.

Saesneg / English

New Van

The Arch-mushroom has been busy. He has collected several crystals, a variety of herbs, and a candle.

He is about to perform a magical ritual when Dave the cat appears.

– What are you doing? says Dave.

– Summoning spirits, says the Arch-mushroom.

– Whose spirits? asks Dave.

– Dafydd Iwan and Max Boyce.

– But they aren’t dead yet.

But the Archdeacon has a very creative idea.

– I want to punish them, because I hate their songs, so I want to make their spirits do hellish work, said the Archbishop with a laugh. – In the meantime their bodies will be, well, a little empty.

– Hellish work like what?

– Building a new van for you.

– Oh very good, says Dave.

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