October 17, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath wedi clywed bod hi’n hawdd i gathod sinsir gael eu llosgi yn yr haul, neu o flaen tân.

Felly, mae hi’n trio rhoi pethau ar dân, achos bod hi’n casáu ei chwaer hi heddiw.

Nid yw hyn yn hawdd heb fodiau gwrthwynebol.

Mae Daf y gath yn meindio ei busnes ei hun pan mae hi’n gweld peiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen mewn fflamau.

– Beth sy’n mynd ymlaen? gofynna Daf i Jeff, sydd yn ceisio edrych yn ddiniwed.

– Damwain, meddai Jeff yn nerfus, a bant â hi.

Saesneg / English

On fire

Jeff the cat has heard that it is easy for ginger cats to burn in the sun, or in front of a fire.

So, she’s trying to set things on fire, because she hates her sister today.

This is not easy without opposable thumbs.

Dave the cat is minding her own business when she sees St Dwynwen’s custard machine in flames.

– What’s going on? Dave asks Jeff, who is trying to look innocent.

– An accident, Jeff says nervously, and off she goes.

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