October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn siarad â Daf y gath, sydd yn eistedd ar y peth crafu. Ond dyw hi’n crafu. Mewn gwirionedd, nid yw hi’n symud llawer o gwbl.

– Be’ ti ‘neud, Daf? gofynna Dewi.

– Dw i’n gwneud y pethau bychain, fel ‘nest ti awgrymu.

– Ond dwyt ti ddim yn ‘neud dim byd.

– Dwi’n gwneud pethau mor fach fel na ellir eu gweld nhw. Un da iawn am wneud pethau rhyfeddol o fach ydw i.

Saesneg / English

The Little Things

Saint David is talking to Dave the cat, who is sitting on the scratching thing. But she is not scratching. In fact, she is not moving much at all.

– What are you doing, Dave? asks Saint David.

– I am doing the small things, as you suggested.

– But you’re not doing anything.

– I’m doing things so small that they can’t be seen. I’m very good at doing amazingly small things.

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