October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael syniad da am fenter newydd er mwyn ennill bach o arian. Mae hi’n mynd i drefnu ffair sborion a chael gwared ar y sbwriel mae Dewi Sant wedi bod yn casglu yn ei sied.

– Fydd neb yn prynu’r rheini, meddai Jeff y gath, yn pwyntio tuag at bentwr o galendrau pornograffig meddal.

– Mae’r rheini’n perthyn i Franz Kafka, meddai Daf. – ‘Dyn nhw ddim ar werth.

– Eniwê, meddai Jeff, – Bydd trefnu ffair sborion yn lot o waith, ac wyt ti’n un anobeithiol am weithio, y dwpsen oren.

Ond erbyn hyn, roedd Daf yn cael profiad seicedelig ar ôl cymryd dos gormodol o rywbeth a oedd ar y llawr.

Saesneg / English

Jumble Sale

Dave the cat has come up with a good idea for a new venture in order to earn a little money. She is going to organize a jumble sale and get rid of the rubbish that St David has been collecting in his shed.

– Nobody will buy those, says Jeff the cat, pointing at a pile of soft pornographic calendars.

– Those belong to Franz Kafka, says Dave. – They are not for sale.

– Anyway, says Jeff, – Organizing a jumble sale will be a lot of work, and you’re hopeless at working, you orange idiot.

But by now, Dave was having a psychedelic experience after taking an excessive dose of something that was on the floor.

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