October 17, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath yn hoffi cyrri. Ond dyw hi ddim yn hoffi rhechu Daf y gath.

Felly, mae Jeff yn mynd i fwyty Indiaidd ar ei phen ei hun. Ond pan mae hi’n cyrraedd, mae hi’n sylweddoli taw Noson Elfis yw hi. Mae ‘na Elfisoedd ym mhobman.

Mae Jeff y gath wedi casáu cerddoriaeth fyw ers iddi ddioddef Dewi Sant ar lwyfan yn canu caneuon Dafydd Iwan am oriau. Ond mae hi rîly eisiau cyrri heb gwmni Daf.

– Bwrdd i un? meddai gweinydd, sydd wedi gwisgo lan fel Elfis.

– Y-hy-hyh, meddai Jeff.

Saesneg / English

Elvis night

Jeff the cat likes curry. But she doesn’t like Dave the cat’s farting.

So Jeff goes to an Indian restaurant on her own. But when she arrives, she realizes it’s Elvis Night. There are Elvises everywhere.

Jeff the cat has hated live music since suffering Saint David on stage singing Dafydd Iwan songs for hours. But she really wants a curry without Dave’s company.

– A table for one? says a waiter, dressed up as Elvis.

– Uh-huh-huh, says Jeff.

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