October 17, 2024

Mae Draig y ci wedi bod yn teilsio. Achos bod Sant Teils yn nawddsant tyllau plwg, dyw e ddim yn llawer o help.

Yn anffodus, un anobeithiol am deilsio yw Draig. Mae e’n rhy gyffrous, ac erbyn hyn mae darnau o deils ym mhobman.

– Gardd yw hon, nid stafell ‘molchi, meddai Daf y gath yn ddiamynedd.

– Bachgen trist dw i bachgen trist o’n i eisiau gwneud y lle’n edrych yn well yn well trist dw i.

– Wyt ti mor garedig, Draig, meddai Santes Dwynwen. – Ond, wel, ti wedi bod ar y catnip, on’d wyt ti?

Mae Draig yn plygu ei ben o gywilydd.

– Felly, dyna le aeth y catnip! ebycha Jeff. Mae hi eisiau dechrau rhyfel.

Saesneg / English


Dragon the dog has been tiling. Because St Tiles is the patron saint of plugholes, he is not much help.

Unfortunately, he is hopeless at tiling. He is too excited, and now there are pieces of tiles everywhere.

– This is a garden, not a bathroom, says Dave the cat impatiently.

– I’m a sad boy sad boy I want to make the place look better better I’m sad.

– You are so kind, Dragon, says Saint Dwynwen. – But, well, you’ve been on the catnip, haven’t you?

Dragon hangs his head in shame.

– So, that’s where the catnip went! says Jeff. She wants to start a war.

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