Pererindod, rhan 2

Ar ôl pacio sach cefn â phethau hanfodol fel het, menig, dillad glaw a map, sylweddolodd Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy nad oedd modd iddo wisgo sach cefn, het, menig na dillad glaw. Ac nid oedd ganddo ddwylo, felly ni fyddai map yn lot o help. Doedd e ddim yn hollol sicr sut yr oedd e wedi pacio’r sach yn y lle cyntaf. Gadawodd y sach cefn yn sied Dewi Sant rhag ofn. Ond doedd e ddim yn hollol sicr sut y gwnaeth hynny chwaith.

Galwodd ar Draig y ci.

– Wyt ti’n barod i gychwyn ein pererindod i’r siop DIY? gofynnodd Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy iddo.

– Odw nadw odw nadw nadw odw dw i ddim yn siwr bachgen da dw i bachgen da bachgen da wnei di daflu’r bêl?

Y foment honno, taranodd y nefoedd.

– Arwydd yw hynny, meddai Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy.

Dechreuodd hi fwrw glaw.

– Nady, meddai Jeff y gath, yn crwydro heibio. – Dim ond tywydd tymhorol yw e.

Suddodd calon Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy. Nid oedd ganddo ymbarél. O blydi hel, meddyliodd.

– Fydd ‘na wyrthie ar ein pererindod fydd gwyrthie fydd gwyrthien fydd gwyrthie gwyrthie fel bisgedi? gofynnodd Draig yn gyffrous. Fe wnaeth Draig bob dim yn gyffrous.

– Sai’mod, meddai Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy. – Sai’n dishgwl dim byd. Well i ti gael llond llaw o fisgedi cyn i ni fynd.

– O da iawn da iawn da iawn llond llaw o fisgedi da iawn wir dwi angen teils a bisgedi teils a bisgedi teils teils teils.

Rholiodd Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy ei lygaid.

– Bant â’r cart, ‘te, meddai.

Saesneg / English

Pilgrimage, part 2

After packing a rucksack with essentials such as a hat, gloves, waterproofs and a map, Mr. Groovy Fish realised he couldn’t wear a backpack, hat, gloves or waterproofs. And he had no hands, so a map wouldn’t help much. He wasn’t quite sure how he had packed the rucksack in the first place. He left the rucksack in St David’s shed just in case. But he wasn’t quite sure how he did that either.

He called Dragon the dog.

– Are you ready to start our pilgrimage to the DIY shop? asked Mr. Groovy Fish.

– Yes no yes no no yes I’m not sure I’m a good boy good boy good boy will you throw the ball?

At that moment, the heavens thundered.

– That’s a sign, said Mr. Groovy Fish.

It started to rain.

– No it’s not, said Jeff the cat, wandering past. – It’s just seasonal weather.

Mr. Groovy Fish’s heart sank. He had no umbrella. Oh bloody hell, he thought.

– Will there be miracles on our pilgrimage will there be miracles will there be miracles like biscuits? asked Dragon excitedly. Dragon did everything excitedly.

– Dunno, said Mr. Groovy Fish. – I’m not expecting anything. You’d better have a handful of biscuits before we go.

– Oh very good very good very good handful of biscuits very good I need tiles and biscuits tiles and biscuits tiles and biscuits.

Mr. Groovy Fish rolled his eyes.

– Off we go, then, he said.

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