October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi cael llythyr oddi wrth yr Esgob. Mae e wedi cael e ddiswyddo eto. Am ba reswm? Gan ei fod wedi bod yn sarhaus wrth iddo siarad â’r Esgob ar ôl yfed gormod o win Cymundeb.

Mae e’n dathlu llawenydd diweithdra drwy dreulio bach o amser ar ei ben ei hun yn ei sied, yn esgus gweddïo. Mewn gwirionedd, mae e’n gwneud y pethau bychain, fel ysmygu ffag, gosod betiau ar y ceffylau, a phigo ei draed.

Byddai’n disgwyl ysgymuniad llwyr, heblaw am y ffaith ei fod e’n gwybod gormod am weithredoedd yr Esgob.

Saesneg / English

St David has received a letter from the Bishop. He has been sacked again. For what reason? Because he had been abusive when he spoke to the Bishop after drinking too much communion wine.

He celebrates the joy of unemployment by spending a little alone time in his shed, pretending to pray. In fact, he does the small things, like smoking a fag, betting on the horses, and picking his feet.

He would expect complete excommunication, except for the fact that he knows too much about the Bishop’s activities.

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