October 16, 2024

Aeth Daf i weld ei chyn-gyflogwyr yn y bin wheelie. Roedd hi’n synnu at ba mor hawdd i yrru yr oedd e.

Nid aeth y cyfweliad yn dda.

Er ei bod hi wedi dychwelyd yr het ddosbarthu ei hun, dywedasant ei bod hi’n dwp, yn ddiog, ac yn hollol anaddas i’r swydd, ac nid oedd angen gyrwyr oren arnynt bellach.

Roedd Daf yn orffwyll erbyn hyn. Hedfanodd bant yn ei bin wheelie, a phenderfynu lladrata siop anifeiliaid anwes. Byddai hi’n dychwelyd i’r ardd â catnip…

Saesneg / English

Crisis, part 6

Dave went to see her former employers in the wheelie bin. She was amazed at how easy it was to drive.

The interview did not go well.

Although she returned the delivery hat herself, they said she was stupid, lazy, and totally unsuited to the job, and they no longer needed orange drivers.

Dave was going mental by now. She flew off in her wheelie bin, and decided to rob a pet shop. She would return to the garden with catnip…

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