October 16, 2024

– Sai’n gallu ffeindio’r het ddosbarthu, meddai Daf y gath wrth Dewi Sant. – Fi’n gorfod hala hi nôl atyn nhw ond so fi’n gallu dod o hyd iddi hi’n unrhyw le. Yn dy sied yw hi?

Dywedodd Dewi Sant dim byd. Gollyngodd ei gwrw a phasio mas.

Cerddodd Jeff y gath heibio, yn gwisgo het Daf a chanu cân.

Tôn: The three-cornered hat / Calon Lân

Mae gan fy het tair cornel
Tair cornel sy’ gan fy het
Os nad oedd gan fy het tair cornel
Yna fyddai hi ddim yn het i fi

– Jeff! Dere nôl, meddai Daf wrth i Jeff diflannu.

Roedd Daf wedi cael ei diswyddo, doedd dim catnip ar ôl, a nawr mae’r het ddosbarthu wedi mynd am byth. Roedd yr argyfwng yn dyfnhau.

Saesneg / English

Crisis, part 3

– I can’t find the delivery hat, said Dave the cat to St David. – I have to send it back to them but I can’t find it anywhere. Is it in your shed?

St David said nothing. He dropped his beer and passed out.

Jeff walked the cat past, wearing Dave’s hat and singing a song.

Tune: The three-cornered hat / Calon Lân

My hat it has three corners
Three corners has my hat
If my hat didn’t have three corners
Then it wouldn’t be my hat

– Jeff! Come back, said Dave as Jeff disappeared.

Dave had been sacked, there was no catnip left, and now the delivery hat had gone forever. The crisis was deepening.

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