October 16, 2024

Ar ôl i Daf y gath gael ei diswyddo o’i swydd fel dosbarthwr, doedd hi ddim yn gwybod beth i’w wneud. Doedd ganddi ddim syniadau am fentrau newydd. Yn waeth byth, doedd dim catnip ar ôl.

Rholiai Jeff y gath o gwmpas ar y ddaear yn yr heulwen, yn anwybyddu trafferthion Daf.

– Jeff, meddai Daf, – dwi angen help.

– Cer o ‘ma, atebodd Jeff. – Dwi’n joio’r heulwen.

– Ond… sdim catnip ar ôl i ni.


Saesneg / English

Crisis, part 2

After Dave the cat was dismissed from her job as a delivery cat, she didn’t know what to do. She had no ideas for new ventures. Worse still, there was no catnip left.

Jeff the cat was rolling around on the ground in the sunshine, ignoring Dave’s troubles.

– Jeff, said Dave, – I need help.

– Go away, Jeff replied. – I’m enjoying the sunshine.

– But … we’ve no catnip left.


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