October 16, 2024

Un tro, daeth buches o wartheg i’r ardd. Dechreuodd y gwartheg pori ar y lawnt.

– Beth sy’ gyda ni fan hyn? gofynnodd Dewi Sant.

Oediodd, ac yna clirio ei wddf.

– Paid, meddai Daf y gath. – Dwi ‘di cael llond bol o dy ganeuon cyfri.

– We fi’n mynd i ganu am eu lliwiau. ‘Drycha – ma’ ‘na un goch, un frown, un felyn ac ati…

Penderfynodd Daf taw amser profiad seicedelig oedd e, a rhedeg bant i chwilio am catnip.

Saesneg / English


One day, a herd of cattle came into the garden. The cattle started grazing on the lawn

– What have we got here? asked St David. He paused, then cleared his throat.

– Don’t, said Dave the cat. – I’m fed up with your counting songs.

– I was going to sing about their colours. Look – there’s a red one, a brown one, a yellow one, and so on…

Dave decided it was time for a psychedelic experience, and ran off to look for catnip.

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