October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn eistedd y tu ôl i sied Dewi Sant. Mae canu yn mynd ymlaen y tu mewn iddi. Mae Dewi Sant wedi cyfansoddi cân arall am gyfri.

– Beth wyt ti’n ganu? meddai Daf, ar ôl i Dewi Sant dod allan er mwyn ysmygu sigarét.

– Dw i wedi ysgrifennu cân newydd ar gyfer dysgwyr.

Mae Dewi Sant yn clirio ei wddf.

Tôn: “One Man Went to Mow” (neu Calon Lân)

Un sant aeth i mewn
I mewn i’r hen gyffesgell
Un sant a’i gath
I mewn i’r hen gyffesgell

Dau sant aeth i mewn
I mewn i’r hen gyffesgell
Dau sant, un sant a’i gath
I mewn i’r hen gyffesgell

Tri sant aeth i mewn
I mewn i’r hen gyffesgell
Tri sant, dau sant, un sant a’i gath
I mewn i’r hen gyffesgell

– Bydd yr hen gyffesgell yn llawn dop cyn bo hir, meddai Daf y gath. – Ac eniwê, dw i ddim eisiau bod mewn cyffesgell gyda llwythau o seintiau.

Yna, mae Daf yn clywed sŵn cnocio. Mae’n debyg bod Gareth y myfyriwr yn adeiladu rhywbeth.

– Beth wyt ti’n adeiladu fan hyn? gofynna Daf iddo fe.

– Dw i’n adeiladu cyffesgell anferth er mwyn ymarfer cyfri, ateba Gareth, yna parhau. – Deunaw sant, dau sant ar bymtheg, un sant ar bymtheg, pymtheg sant, pedwar sant ar ddeg, tri sant ar ddeg, dau sant ar ddeg, un sant ar ddeg, deg sant, naw sant, wyth sant, saith sant, chwe sant, pum sant, pedwar sant, tri sant, dau sant, un sant…

Mae Gareth yn oedi.

– …a’i gath.

– Gad fi mas ohoni, meddai Daf, cyn iddi hi redeg i ffwrdd.

Saesneg / English

Counting Saints

Dave the cat is sitting behind St David’s shed. There is singing going on inside it. Saint David has composed another song about counting

– What are you singing? says Dave, after St David comes out to smoke a cigarette.

– I’ve written a new song for learners.

St David clears his throat.

Tune: “One Man Went to Mow” (or Calon Lan)

One saint went inside
Inside the old confessional
One saint and his cat
Inside the old confessional

Two saints went inside
Inside the old confessional
Two saints, one saint and his cat
Inside the old confessional

Three saints went inside
Inside the old confessional
Three saints, two saints, one saint and his cat
Inside the old confessional

– The old confessional will soon be full up, says Dave the cat. – And anyway, I don’t want to be in a confessional with loads of saints.

Then Dave hears a knocking noise. It seems that Gareth the student is building something.

– What are you building here? Dave asks him.

– I’m building an enormous confessional to practice counting, Gareth answers, then continues. – Eighteen saints, seventeen saints, sixteen saints, fifteen saints, fourteen saints, thirteen saints, thirteen saints, eleven saints, ten saints, nine saints, eight saints, seven saints, six saints, five saints, four saints, three saints, two saints, one saint…

Gareth pauses.

– … and his cat.

– Leave me out of it, says Dave, before she runs away.

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