Beic Modur, rhan 1

Mae pinafal cŵl wedi dod i’r ardd. Mae e’n gwisgo siaced leder, sbectol haul, a het ddoniol, ac mae e’n gyrru beic modur. Mae’r beic modur yn gwneud sŵn ardderchog.

Mae’r hanner-siarc wrthi’n jyglo â mefus. Nid yw’r mefus yn hapus iawn amdani. Pan mae’r hanner-siarc yn gweld y pinafal ar ei feic modur, mae e’n gollwng y mefus i gyd.

Mae Dewi Sant yn esgus gweddïo yn ei sied fyglyd, ond mewn gwirionedd mae e’n yfed gwin coch a rhegi ar y bêl-droed ar y teledu. Pan mae’r pinafal cŵl yn mynd i mewn i’r ardd ar ei feic modur, mae Dewi yn rhoi’r gorau i wylio’r teledu, a dod allan i weld beth sydd yn mynd ymlaen.

– Pwy wyt ti? meddai Dewi Sant.

– Pinafal cŵl dw i, ond mae fy ffrindiau yn fy ngalw i’n Steve.

– Wel, rwyt ti’n edrych fel bom yn dy siaced leder di. Beth fyddai’n digwydd pe taswn i’n tynnu’r cord yma?

– Paid, meddai’r pinafal.

Mae Dewi Sant yn tynnu’r cord. Mae’r pinafal yn ffrwydro.

– Ga i’r beic modur? meddai Daf y gath. – Ar gyfer fy nosbarthiadau?

Ond mae’n rhy hwyr. Mae Jeff y gath yn gwibio heibio ar y beic modur ar gan milltir yr awr.

Saesneg / English

Motorbike, part 1

A cool pineapple has come into the garden. He is wearing a sleeveless jacket, sunglasses, and funny hat, and drives a motorbike. The motorbike makes an excellent noise.

The half-shark is juggling with strawberries. The strawberries are not very happy about it. When the half-shark sees the pineapple on his motorcycle, he drops all the strawberries.

St David is pretending to pray in his smoky shed, but in reality he’s drinking red wine and swearing at the football on the television. When the cool pineapple enters the garden on his motorbike, St David gives up watching the television, and comes out to see what’s going on

– Who are you? said St David.

– I’m a cool pineapple, but my friends call me Steve.

– Well, you look like a bomb in your leather jacket. What would happen if I were to pull this cord?

– Don’t, says the pineapple. St David pulls the cord. The pineapple explodes.

– Can I have the motorcycle? said Dave the cat. – For my deliveries?

But it’s too late. Jeff the cat flies past on the motorbike at one hundred miles an hour.

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