October 16, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath wedi dychwelyd o’r filfeddygfa. Mae’r staff yn dweud ei bod hi wedi cael “bach o hoe”. Ond nid hoe oedd e. Cynddeiriog yw hi.

Mae hi’n ymguddio y tu ôl i’r soffa.

– Dw i ddim yn hoffi’r blydi coler ‘ma, meddai Jeff wrth Daf ei chwaer, yn ceisio tynnu’r coler i ffwrdd.

– Pam lai? meddai Daf.

– Mae e’n gwneud i fi grafu. Ac mae’r gloch mor swnllyd.

– Allet ti wisgo het neis yn ei le, meddai Daf.

– Syniad da, meddai Jeff.

Saesneg / English


Jeff the cat has returned from the vet. The staff say she has had a “little rest”. But it wasn’t a rest. She is furious.

She hides behind the sofa.

– I don’t like this bloody collar, Jeff says to her sister Dave, trying to take the collar off.

Why not? says Dave.

– It makes me scratch. And the bell is so noisy.

– You could wear a nice hat instead, says Dave.

– Good idea, says Jeff.

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