Mae chwant bwyd difrifol ar Jeff y gath. Fel arfer.
Mae hi’n mynd draw at Dewi Sant, sydd yn gwneud croesair. Wel, mae e’n esgus gwneud croesair. Mewn gwirionedd, mae e’n ysmygu ffag ac yfed cwrw.
– Ble mae’r staff? meddai Jeff.
– Mae’r staff wedi mynd, meddai Dewi Sant, cyn cwympo i gysgu.
Yna, mae Jeff yn mynd draw at Santes Dwynwen, sydd yn gwneud cwstard cariad gyda’i pheiriant cwstard.
– Ble mae’r staff? meddai Jeff.
– Mae’r staff wedi mynd, meddai Santes Dwynwen, yn llenwi bwced â chwstard.
Yna, mae Jeff yn mynd draw at yr hanner-siarc, sydd yn jyglo ag ystlumod cysglyd.
– Ble mae’r staff? meddai Jeff.
– Mae’r staff wedi mynd, meddai’r hanner-siarc, a thaflu ystlum arall i’r awyr.
Yna, mae Jeff yn mynd draw at y madarch, sydd yn dechrau chwyldro yn y gwely rhosod.
– Ble mae’r staff? meddai Jeff.
– Mae’r staff wedi mynd, meddai’r Archfadarch, yn peintio placard sydd yn dweud rhywbeth am frwydro yn erbyn y tatws.
O’r diwedd, mae Jeff yn mynd draw at Daf y gath.
– Mae hyn fel rhywbeth mas o ddrama Samuel Beckett, meddai Daf.
– Ydy mae, meddai Jeff.
– Beth am i ni fynd?, meddai Daf.
– Allwn ni ddim, meddai Jeff.
– Pam lai? meddai Daf.
– Achos ‘bo’ ni’n aros ar gyfer y staff.
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Jeff the cat is seriously hungry. As usual.
She goes over to St David, who is doing a crossword. Well, he’s pretending to do a crossword. In fact, he’s smoking a fag and drinking beer.
– Where’s the staff? says Jeff.
– The staff have gone, says St David, before falling asleep.
Jeff then goes over to St Dwynwen, who is making love custard with her custard machine.
– Where’s the staff? said Jeff.
– The staff have gone, says St. Dwynwen, filling a bucket with custard.
Jeff then goes over to the half-shark, who is juggling with sleepy bats.
– Where’s the staff? says Jeff.
– The staff have gone, says the half-shark, and throws another bat into the air.
Jeff then goes over to the mushrooms, who are starting a revolution in the rose bed.
– Where’s the staff? says Jeff.
– The staff have gone, says the Arch-mushroom, painting a placard that says something about fighting the potatoes.
Finally, Jeff goes over to Dave the cat.
– This is like something out of a Samuel Beckett play, says Dave.
– Yes it is, says Jeff.
– Let’s go, says Dave.
– We can’t, says Jeff.
– Why not? says Daf.
– Because we’re waiting for the staff.